Oh boy, Disney fans! Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of live-action Disney movies—but with a twist. Usually known for their whimsical charm and magic, even Disney has produced a few films that have missed the mark. In this list by WatchMojo, we explore some of the company’s most questionable live-action adaptations that might just leave you scratching your head.

Let’s start with “Artemis Fowl,” a film many fans of the book series anticipated eagerly. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite capture the magic and intrigue of the original novels. Critics and audiences alike felt the story was rushed and the characters underdeveloped, making it a rather forgettable experience.

Next, we have “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” which struggled to follow up on Tim Burton’s successful reimagination of Wonderland. Despite its star-studded cast and visually striking landscapes, the sequel lacked the coherency and charm that made the first live-action “Alice in Wonderland” a box office success.

Another controversial entry is “Dumbo,” which attempted to bring a beloved classic into the modern age. Despite Tim Burton’s directorial flair, the film’s darker tone and plot changes didn’t resonate well with audiences who fondly remembered the original animated masterpiece.

Who could forget “A Wrinkle in Time?” This film had high hopes with its diverse cast and ambitious visuals. However, the complexity of the book didn’t translate well onto the screen, leaving viewers confused and disappointed by a plot that felt disjointed at best.

And finally, we must mention “Inspector Gadget,” one of the most memorable examples of how not to adapt an animated TV show into a live-action film. Despite its nostalgic appeal, the film’s over-the-top comedy and weak storyline failed to capture the quirky spirit of the beloved animated series.

What do you think, Disney fans? Did we hit the nail on the head with this list, or do you have other live-action Disney films you’d rather forget? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article with fellow Disney enthusiasts!

Feel free to check out the original [WatchMojo video](https://www.brenhambanner.com/lifestyles/entertainment/top-20-worst-live-action-disney-movies/video_3a052653-dfbd-57c2-b5e1-61a04e04bd4a.html) for a comprehensive dive into these cinematic missteps. Happy watching!