Exciting news from the world of Disney’s Pixar Animation Studios! Known for delivering heartwarming classics like “Toy Story” and “Up,” Pixar is undergoing significant changes. Beginning this Tuesday, the beloved animation studio has started laying off roughly 175 employees—about 14% of its workforce—as it shifts its focus exclusively to producing blockbuster feature films. This shift marks a move away from creating original streaming series, a strategy initially championed by former Disney CEO Bob Chapek.

With Chapek’s successor Bob Iger at the helm, Disney has revised its approach to concentrate on profitability, especially for its streaming service Disney+. As a result, the company has scaled back spending on original streaming content. This pivot is aimed at lifting Disney+ and Hulu to profitability, following an encouraging recent quarter where Disney’s entertainment division reported operating profits.

In an effort to realign its resources, Pixar will now dedicate its creative talents solely to feature films that will first grace the silver screen before making their way to homes via Disney+. Despite the cutbacks, fans can still expect fresh content. “Win or Lose,” an original series centered on a co-ed softball team, will make its exclusive debut on Disney+ later this year.

These job cuts and strategic shifts underscore the changing dynamics within Disney and Pixar as the studios navigate evolving viewer habits and a competitive streaming landscape. While this transition might come as a surprise, it’s evident that Disney is doubling down on delivering the cinematic magic that has become synonymous with Pixar’s legacy.

What are your thoughts on Pixar’s decision to refocus on feature films? Do you think this will bring more of your favorite movies to the big screen? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with fellow Disney fans!

*[Source: New York Post]*

*[Photo Credit: AP]*