Greetings Disney enthusiasts! We’ve got some intriguing news from a galaxy far, far away. In a candid reveal, George Lucas, the celebrated creator of the Star Wars universe, has expressed some lingering frustrations over the direction the beloved franchise has taken under Disney’s stewardship.

Flashback to 2012, when Lucas decided to pass his intergalactic torch to Disney, sealing a $4.1 billion deal. He trusted that Disney would continue the legacy with the care it deserved. However, it appears Lucas has some unresolved feelings. During a recent appearance at the Cannes event, he confessed that despite his hopes for the seamless transition, the current state of the franchise has him less than thrilled.

Lucas recounted that the initial discussions about selling Lucasfilm began in May 2011 in a chance meeting with Disney’s then-CEO Bob Iger. Eager to retire and spend more time with family, Lucas saw an opportunity. Even though the deal meant letting go of his cherished creation, he couldn’t resist the prospect of some downtime. Yet, Lucas’s inherent penchant for detail, as he once put it, left him biting his tongue and suppressing his micromanaging tendencies.

At Cannes, Lucas’s candid remarks painted a picture of a creator who feels somewhat misunderstood. He pointed out how critical elements, like the essence of “The Force,” have somewhat dissipated in the new installments. “I was the one who really knew what Star Wars was… nobody understood the Force,” said Lucas. His words resonate with many fans who feel that the original magic has been somewhat lost in translation under Disney’s direction.

Despite his critiques, Lucas seems resigned to his decision, acknowledging that once you’ve handed over your creation, it’s out of your hands. This bittersweet sentiment underscores a poignant realization: the creator’s vision often evolves differently in others’ hands. But Lucas remains grateful for the time he’s now able to dedicate to his family.

So, how do you feel about George Lucas’s recent comments? Do you think Disney has lived up to the Star Wars legacy? Share your thoughts and join the discussion below! And remember, these amazing stories continue to be available on Disney+, ensuring the Force remains strong in your homes.