From Haley Mills to Zac Efron, many beloved stars have graced our screens thanks to The Walt Disney Company. However, the latest twist is surely a jaw-dropper: Princess Aurora is set to trade in her royal attire for something far grittier as she steps into a lead role in the sequel, “Badlands.”

[Princess Aurora from “Sleeping Beauty”]( / Credit: Disney

Disney, a studio traditionally known for its enchanting princess tales, has expanded far beyond its classic roots. With acquisitions like 20th Century Studios and the launch of Hulu, it’s ventured into various genres. Yet, seeing one of their famous princess leads in an action-packed “Predator” sequel wasn’t something we expected!

According to [Deadline](, Elle Fanning, who played Aurora in the “Maleficent” series, is in negotiations to star in the upcoming “Badlands.” Directed by Dan Trachtenberg, the film promises to expand the “Predator” universe and introduce new exciting elements to the franchise. Looks like Princess Aurora will be swapping her conversations with forest animals for some fierce alien battles.

[Elle Fanning as Aurora in Disney’s “Maleficent”]( / Credit: Disney

Revisiting the success of “Prey” (2022), which placed the legendary Predator against a tribe of Comanche warriors, director Dan Trachtenberg looks to be pushing the boundaries once more. Pitting the Predator against Fanning’s character in this fresh sci-fi action setting is set to deliver a gripping cinematic clash.

Related: [Disney Addresses Crumbling Sleeping Beauty Castle at Theme Park](

Before diving into “Badlands,” fans can also look forward to another entry in the “Alien” franchise. Helmed by Fede Alvarez, “Alien: Romulus” will hit screens on August 16, 2024, promising dark thrills and deadly Xenomorph encounters. Disney and 20th Century Studios are certainly setting up a year packed with extraterrestrial excitement.

Could this all be hinting at a future crossover showdown between these iconic creatures? Only time will tell, but it’s clear that 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for sci-fi and horror fans alike.

What are your thoughts on Princess Aurora joining the Predator’s universe? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this thrilling piece with fellow Disney and sci-fi enthusiasts!

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