Have you ever heard the Na’vi phrase “Sivako?” It’s a term you’ll hear a lot in Pandora – The World of Avatar because it’s a rally cry that means “rise to the challenge.”

Today that phrase had a special meaning, as we honored 100 Central Florida organizations that rise to the challenge each and every day because of the way they go about improving the lives of families and children in our community. These groups feed people who are hungry, clothe children, provide school supplies, inspire creativity, teach students and provide the magical kind of support that aligns with Disney’s philanthropic approach.

During a fun and inspirational ceremony at the Orlando Museum of Art, we donated more than $4 million in Disney Grants to help them continue their awe-inspiring work. These contributions are in addition to the more than $3.5 million that The Walt Disney Company has contributed to relief efforts related to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

Disney Grants represent 46 years of charitable giving in Central Florida. Just this past year alone, Disney donated more than $34 million in cash and in-kind support to local organizations, as well as more than 200,000 volunteer hours through the efforts of our Disney VoluntEARS.

Here’s quick look at today’s event!

Sivako! to all the organizations that work to make their communities better!