Magic in Jeopardy: Disneyland Cast Members Fight for Fair Wages and Conditions

Hey there, Disney fans! We’ve got an important update straight from the heart of Disneyland Resort. Over 13,000 dedicated Disney cast members are currently in tough union negotiations as they demand fair wages and improved working conditions. With their current contract expiring in just a few weeks, things are heating up in Southern California. It’s a crucial time as the magic makers insist on a well-deserved share of the profits, while living costs around Disneyland Resort continue to soar.

In a recent bargaining session on May 24, The Walt Disney Company disappointed many by offering a mere 25-cent raise to cast members who’ve shown exceptional dedication by working over 20 years. And if you think that’s shocking, Disney Workers Rising, the union representing these employees, expressed deep frustration at the company’s unwillingness to negotiate meaningful wage increases or benefits for the next five years, especially given the skyrocketing costs of living.

Just days before, the federal government officially recognized the Actors’ Equity Association as the union representing entertainment cast members at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure. While the new union hasn’t begun talks, its formation represents a significant step toward better conditions for the many performers who bring Disney stories to life.

Despite the initial setbacks, Disneyland cast members remain resilient. During a bargaining session on Tuesday, Disney Workers Rising proposed a modified wage increase, which, unfortunately, still left them and the company “very far apart” on critical issues. With just two more sessions before their contract expires on June 16, the cast members are gearing up for stronger actions.

If you’re passionate about Disneyland and its incredible cast members, now is the time to show your support. Share your thoughts in the comments below and let us know how you feel about these developments. Let’s keep this conversation going and stand in solidarity with those who make the magic happen every day.

Stay tuned here on Mickey News for more updates on this developing story. And remember, every bit of support counts in creating a fair and magical workplace for all Disney cast members.