Imagine landing on a distant planet, ready to unwind in the legendary Oga’s Cantina at Disneyland’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. For one group of visitors, however, their anticipated interstellar adventure came to an unexpected halt. This week, a “confused” visitor shared a bewildering encounter on Reddit after half of their party was escorted out of the renowned cantina by Disney cast members.

The incident unfolded when Reddit user u/Particular-Bike-9275 revealed that their group had managed to secure a highly coveted reservation at Oga’s Cantina. Excitement quickly turned sour as a cast member asked them to leave because they didn’t arrive together. “Someone in my party scheduled a table while the rest of the party was on a ride,” noted the guest. “They got in, and we rejoined a few minutes late, but they let us in. While inside, everyone that got there late was then told we had to leave and they escorted us out,” they recounted, clearly disappointed and puzzled by the turn of events.

Further complicating matters, the guest explained that their friend had made two separate reservations for their entire party. Although Disney cast members were informed of this dual booking, it led to more confusion. Disneyland’s policy mandates that all guests must be present together to be seated, and with Oga’s Cantina’s strict 45-minute time limit, splitting reservations can lead to problems. This rule aims to ensure everyone gets the full experience within a limited timeframe.

Disney enthusiasts on Reddit were quick to point out that the reservation mishap was likely the root of the problem. Comments ranged from sympathetic advice to reminders that Disneyland’s reservation policies must be followed to the letter. “This was on your friend,” mentioned one user. “They shouldn’t have tried to get seated without the whole party.”

While this particular adventure at Oga’s might have ended on a sour note, it serves as a reminder to future visitors to double-check reservation protocols. Have you ever experienced similar issues at a Disney park? Share your stories in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going. And remember, sharing is caring—invite your friends into the discussion by posting this on your social media!