Beloved Disney director John Musker, the creative genius behind classics like The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Moana, has some heartfelt advice for the Walt Disney Company. In a recent interview with El Pais, Musker suggested a “course correction” for Disney, emphasizing the importance of focusing on character and story over a film’s overarching message.

Musker, a pivotal figure in Disney’s animation renaissance, reminisces about the magic of the company’s golden era. “The hallmark of Disney’s classic films was compelling characters and immersive worlds,” he shared. Musker believes these elements remain the heart of any great story and urges Disney to return to this successful model. “You don’t have to exclude agendas, but you have to first create characters who you sympathize with and who are compelling.”

In his candid conversation, Musker didn’t hold back on his views about the recent trend of live-action remakes. He criticized the move to recast animated favorites in a realistic format, remarking that animals in a zoo have more expression than the computer-generated creatures in movies like 2023’s The Little Mermaid and 2019’s The Lion King. He humorously noted that while nostalgia is a powerful tool, it should not replace innovation and originality.

Interestingly, while Musker hopes for the success of the upcoming live-action Moana, slated for a July 2026 release, he has distanced himself from the project, stating that he wishes it well but has “nothing to do with it.” This marks a notable point as the animated Moana from 2016, which he co-directed, remains a beloved modern classic.

The past year has been challenging for Disney, with a string of underperforming films in 2023 leading to them losing the title of the highest-grossing studio to Universal Pictures. Additionally, Pixar, owned by Disney since 2006, announced significant layoffs, highlighting a need for a strategic rethink across the board.

We invite you to share your thoughts on Musker’s insights in the comments below. Do you agree with his call for a focus on character and story? How do you feel about the trend of live-action remakes? Let’s discuss! And don’t forget to share this story with fellow Disney fans and let the conversation spread!

For more detailed information, you can read the full interview with John Musker on El Pais [here]( and check out the Washington Examiner’s piece [here](