In the magical world of gaming, dying doesn’t always mean the end – just ask any Mushroom Kingdom adventurer with a pocket full of extra lives. However, gamers across the nation are rallying to save the games they love, which are being unceremoniously “killed off” by corporate giants before their time.

A recent petition, which has garnered over 25,000 signatures and counting, calls for video game publishers to ensure that games they’ve sold remain in a working state. If the petition achieves 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament. The initiative is spearheaded by YouTube game reviewer Ross Scott, who has been advocating for what he calls a critical consumer rights issue. Scott argues that when beloved games are deleted or rendered unplayable, players are left in the lurch with no legal means to access their purchases.

In days gone by, games were sold on tangible media like cartridges and CDs, often remaining operational indefinitely. However, the digital revolution, while convenient and cost-effective, has given publishers more control over the lifespan of their products. Disney’s removal of the “Willow” TV series from Disney+ without any physical release is a familiar sting for gamers who have seen titles like Ubisoft’s “The Crew” vanish, pushing players toward buying sequels instead.

The petition asks Parliament to consider a law requiring publishers to keep games functional after support ends. This doesn’t mean servers need to run forever, just that companies should enable players to maintain their own local servers. The government initially cited the Consumer Rights Act 2015 in response, but the Petitions Committee has requested a more direct response.

This gallant fight by gamers aims to preserve the art and enjoyment of video gaming, ensuring that purchased titles remain more than fleeting digital memories. Join the conversation! What are your thoughts on this important issue? Share your views in the comments below and be sure to spread the word!

For readers seeking additional information or to support the cause, click [here]( to visit the petition website. Let’s ensure our treasured games remain part of our digital legacy.