George Lucas Shares His Thoughts on Disney’s Star Wars Films

When Disney acquired Lucasfilm over a decade ago for a hefty $4.05 billion, many fans were eager to see what new adventures awaited in a galaxy far, far away. Fast forward to 2024, and the legendary Star Wars creator George Lucas has weighed in on Disney’s handling of his beloved universe, and his opinions are, to say the least, quite revealing.

During a recent appearance at the 77th Cannes Festival, where he was honored with a Palme d’Or for his contributions to cinema, Lucas made it clear that he feels Disney may have missed the mark on capturing the true essence of Star Wars. “There’s a lot to the Star Wars universe that I think got lost,” Lucas stated, highlighting that “The Force, for example, wasn’t fully understood” in the new movies. His candid remarks were covered in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

It’s no secret that Disney’s sequel trilogy, featuring the characters Rey, Finn, and Poe, has been divisive among fans. While some appreciated the nostalgic nods, others felt that the films, particularly “The Force Awakens,” were retreading old ground instead of breaking new. Lucas admitted that his creative differences with Disney meant that he didn’t have much input after the acquisition, saying, “I don’t like that. They weren’t that keen to have me involved.”

Interestingly, while Lucas has had his share of critiques, he also praised Rian Johnson’s “The Last Jedi” and the standalone film, “Rogue One.” These movies, according to Lucas, brought something fresh to the table that aligned more closely with his vision of the Star Wars universe.

With rumors swirling about Lucas potentially returning to the Star Wars franchise for a live-action Disney+ series, fans are understandably excited. However, Lucas himself has described his departure from Star Wars as a “breakup,” casting doubt on any significant comeback.

What do you think of George Lucas’s comments? Do you agree with his views on Disney’s Star Wars films? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let us know if you’d like to see him return to the franchise! And don’t forget to share this story with your fellow Star Wars fans!

_Credit: Disney, The Hollywood Reporter_