In a magical kingdom where Mickey Mouse, Disney Princesses, Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar characters enchant visitors, it’s the endearing teddy bear Duffy and his delightful group of friends who capture hearts at Hong Kong Disneyland.

For those unacquainted with Duffy, his origin is as charming as his presence in the park. Conceived by Walt Disney Imagineering, Duffy started his journey as “The Disney Bear,” gaining notable fame in Tokyo DisneySea’s American Waterfront. As the tale goes, Minnie crafted the bear to keep Mickey company during his sea voyages, presenting him in a duffel bag, hence the name Duffy.

Rising to stardom, Duffy became an exclusive star before expanding his charisma to Disney parks in Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Hawaii. Alongside the lovable bear, a cast of equally enchanting characters was created, including his best friend ShellieMay, the artistic cat Gelatoni, the dancing rabbit StellaLou, inventive dog CookieAnn, musical turtle ‘Olu Mel, and the inquisitive pink fox LinaBell.

Visitors to the Duffy and Friends Play House in Hong Kong Disneyland can immerse themselves in a storybook house filled with interactive activities, leading to a delightful miniature maze. Here, guests can meet their favorite characters up close, creating a whimsical experience that adds a unique touch to the magic of Disneyland.

Who’s your favorite in Duffy’s adorable bunch? Whether you adore Duffy himself, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou, CookieAnn, ‘Olu Mel, or LinaBell, each character brings their own sprinkle of joy to the park.

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you have a bias towards a particular character? Share your experiences and preferences in the comments below. For more delightful updates and stories, make sure to visit the Philstar article [link provided].

Editor’s note: This adventure was made possible by Disneyland and Klook, yet the story is crafted independently by following their editorial guidelines. For more enchanting details, visit their site [insert source link here].