A school in Cumbria has its sights set on the Magic Kingdom, hoping to make their dreams come true with a dazzling performance at Disneyland Paris this August. Storth CE Primary School, alongside its ballet school, has been given the incredible opportunity to perform at the iconic theme park, but they need a little pixie dust – in the form of community support – to make it happen.

A spokesperson from Storth CE Primary shared their excitement: “We need to raise funds to cover the cost of costumes for our performance. This experience will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students, and we’re calling on our community to help make this dream a reality.”

To kick off their fundraising efforts, the school hosted a charity event on May 17, selling a variety of items, including water bottles, bracelets, and pencil cases, all in the hopes of adding some sparkle to their Disneyland Paris plans. Although the event was a success, the school still has a way to go and is appealing to the community for additional support.

With still a few months left before the curtain rises in Paris, there’s plenty of time to contribute. Whether through donations or other means of support, every little bit helps these students embark on their magical journey.

If you wish to contribute to Storth CE Primary School’s Disneyland adventure or have any creative fundraising ideas, please reach out to the school directly. Let’s rally together to bring a touch of Disney magic to these talented children.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments below! Share your support for the students and don’t forget to spread the word to help make their Disneyland dreams come true.

[Original source: Matthew Holmes, NW Mail.](https://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/24328151.disneyland-paris-performance-target-milnthorpe-school/?ref=wa)