In the heart of Hong Kong Disneyland, amidst the swirl of Mickey Mouse, Disney Princesses, Marvel heroes, Star Wars legends, and Pixar pals, one delightful gang reigns supreme—Duffy and Friends. These cuddly characters, born from the imagination of Walt Disney Imagineering, have captured hearts worldwide.

For those new to the magic of Duffy, his story begins with Mickey Mouse. Minnie Mouse lovingly crafted this plush bear to accompany Mickey on his sea voyages. Named Duffy because Minnie presented him in a duffel bag, this adorable bear quickly became a beloved character. Originating as “The Disney Bear” at Tokyo DisneySea’s American Waterfront, Duffy’s popularity soared, leading to his role in Disney parks in Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and even Hawaii.

Joining Duffy are his enchanting friends: ShellieMay, his bear best friend; Gelatoni, the artistic cat; StellaLou, the dancing rabbit; CookieAnn, the inventive dog; ‘Olu Mel, the musical turtle; and LinaBell, the curious pink fox. Each character brings their own unique charm to the magical world of Disney.

At Hong Kong Disneyland, fans can immerse themselves in the Duffy and Friends Play House. This interactive storybook house lets guests embark on adventures and enjoy activities before they navigate a miniature maze to meet their favorite characters in person. Whether you favor Duffy’s comforting presence, ShellieMay’s warmth, Gelatoni’s artistic flair, or LinaBell’s inquisitive nature, every moment promises delight.

Have you visited Duffy and Friends at Hong Kong Disneyland? Who’s your favorite character? Share your thoughts in the comments below and spread the magic by sharing this story with fellow Disney lovers!

_Editor’s Note: This experience was made possible by Disneyland and Klook. The hosts had no influence over the content produced from this coverage. All opinions and stories are independently crafted following our editorial guidelines._