For the Mickey News website:

Almost 30 years ago, twin brothers Rodolf and Randolf Escalona raced to a neighbor’s house daily after school in their Philippine village to catch glimpses of Mickey Mouse on television. Little did they know, their fascination with Disney’s magic would blossom into a dream career. In 2012, they flew to Manila for Hong Kong Disneyland’s auditions, thanks to the financial support of friends and mentors. Today, they celebrate 12 magical years as performers in Mickey and the Wondrous Book.

Recently, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort held its inaugural long-service awards ceremony, celebrating over 2,000 cast members who have dedicated a decade or more. Among the honorees were the Escalona twins, lauded for their dazzling performances and unyielding passion. “Seeing the joy on guests’ faces, especially children, really keeps our fire alive,” said Randolf. Rodolf chimed in, “Truly, it is the happiest place on Earth.”

The ceremony, marked by a parade of Disney characters and an exclusive drone show at World of Frozen, exemplifies the resort’s “Cast First” approach. Vice-President of Human Resources, Chan Wai-quen, emphasized the park’s commitment to recognizing cast members’ contributions annually, ensuring each milestone is honored. “Our cast’s loyalty and enthusiasm are what create the daily magic our guests experience,” she said.

Hong Kong Disneyland takes pride in nurturing a supportive and inclusive cast environment. Michael Moriarty, Managing Director, encouraged honorees to cherish the unique camaraderie they’ve built. “These bonds and your unwavering passion make your Disney journey magical,” he remarked. The resort goes above and beyond for its cast, offering perks like educational programs and worldwide Disney park access.

For the Escalonas, working at Hong Kong Disneyland has been a heartfelt journey of growth. When they first arrived, language barriers posed a challenge, but company-supported English classes bolstered their confidence. “Our colleagues are like family, always lifting our spirits,” Rodolf noted gratefully. The dynamic duo continues to enchant audiences, living their childhood dreams.

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