Exciting news is coming from Shanghai Disney Resort! A fresh wave of magic is arriving with the brand-new live stage show, “The Adventure of Rhythm,” set to premiere on June 3. This captivating performance weaves the tale of a spirited team of archaeologists who dive into the enchanting world of music. It promises to be a delightful treat for guests, blending the elements of storytelling, adventure, and the universal language of rhythm.

This indoor show will take center stage at the Storyhouse Stage in Shanghai Disneyland, running through October 7, unless reserved for special events. The best part? You don’t need an extra ticket to enjoy this spectacular addition—it’s included with your park admission.

“The Adventure of Rhythm” stands out not only for its innovative storyline but also for its seamless integration of music and discovery. The theme and execution are designed to engage audiences of all ages, making it an impeccable family experience. Expect high-energy performances, dazzling visuals, and a journey that underscores the importance of music in our cultural heritage.

Share your excitement and thoughts in the comments below—have you planned your visit to Shanghai Disney Resort yet? Don’t forget to tag a friend you’d like to take on this rhythmic adventure! For more updates and the latest in Disney news from around the world, stay tuned right here at Mickey News.

[Original source: China Daily](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202406/01/WS665acddfa31082fc043ca63a.html).