The world of Disney magic sometimes hits a snag, and it was a memorable moment at Shanghai Disneyland when a beloved character from “Zootopia” had an unexpected costume malfunction. In a video that has rapidly gone viral, park-goers witnessed Clawhauser, the cheerful cheetah, deflate during a pre-parade performance. The incident required the swift action of several cast members who managed to escort the deflated character out of sight while attempting to maintain a sense of normalcy.

In the footage initially shared by X (formerly Twitter) user @pomemaru_d and later expanded upon with additional viewpoints on YouTube, you can see the cast’s quick response. One member held up what remained of Clawhauser’s head, while another helped clear the path to backstage. The pre-parade, an eagerly anticipated part of the event that takes place in the Gardens of Imagination near the City of Zootopia land, continued without further hitch, showcasing Disney’s professionalism even in the face of mishaps.

Disney has yet to issue an official statement regarding the precise cause of the malfunction. However, indications suggest that an inflation mechanism within the costume’s upper half that helps maintain Clawhauser’s larger-than-life appearance likely experienced technical difficulties. Costumes like these rely on specific inflatable components to bring the character’s exuberant personality to life, making such incidents rare but occasionally inevitable.

The viral clip has sparked a wave of sympathy and amusement across social media platforms, with many commenting on the dedication of Disney cast members who ensure the magic doesn’t miss a beat even when things go awry. Fans can also see a standard portrayal of Clawhauser in the parade and an impressive Audio Animatronic figure of the character in the queue for the Zootopia: Hot Pursuit ride, which are usually flawless representations of this charming cheetah.

Have you ever experienced a magical moment that went slightly off-script at a Disney park? Share your stories in the comments below! And don’t forget to pass this fun tale along to fellow Disney enthusiasts – because sometimes, even a small mishap can become part of the magic.

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