A spark of Disney’s magic seems to be returning to Florida politics! After a notable hiatus, Disney is dipping its toes back into the political contribution pool in the Sunshine State. This follows a two-year pause stemming from a public clash with Governor Ron DeSantis over the Parental Rights in Education Act. The act, often called the “Don’t Say Gay” law, sparked a heated dispute because it bans discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

In a fresh twist, Disney has provided theme park tickets as in-kind contributions for Democratic state Sen. Geraldine Thompson’s upcoming fundraiser. This could mark Disney’s first significant political move in Florida since pausing donations in March 2022. Before this freeze, the entertainment mogul had been a colossal figure in political donations, contributing around $55 million to both Republicans and Democrats over nearly three decades.

Political Science Professor Aubrey Jewett of UCF remarked, “For a company the size of Disney to say that they’re going to take a break and not donate, that you could understand. But to permanently stay out of the influence business? That would have been pretty hard to believe.”

While direct cash contributions haven’t resumed, the in-kind contributions, such as the park passes for Thompson’s fundraising event, show Disney’s subtle return. Contributors to Thompson’s campaign can receive everything from a dinner and a fireworks display to multiple Disney park passes, depending on their donation level.

Intriguingly, Disney spokespeople have remained mum on the subject, and further contributions depend on approvals from the company’s headquarters. This quiet reentry might be Disney’s approach to avoiding the fiery spotlight of political headlines.

We’d love to hear what you think! Do you believe Disney’s influence in Florida politics will have a positive impact? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share this story with fellow Disney fans!