Disney’s Political Contributions Make a Comeback in Florida!

In an exciting return to the political stage, Disney has resumed its political contributions in Florida, according to state Sen. Geraldine Thompson. The entertainment giant, known for its enchantment and epic storytelling, has provided in-kind contributions to Thompson’s campaign in the form of coveted theme park tickets, marking this as their first political donation in over two years.

The pause in contributions began in March 2022 amid controversies over Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which bans discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools. Former CEO Bob Chapek faced backlash from fans and the LGBTQ community before halting donations. With Bob Iger back at the helm, Disney appears ready to re-engage in the political landscape following a March 2024 settlement with the state.

Before the hiatus, Disney was a substantial donor in Florida politics, contributing about $55 million to various political committees and parties over 28 years. Now, the company is dipping its toes back in the water by offering in-kind contributions like those for Thompson’s upcoming fundraiser. A $250 donation earns one Disney park pass, with higher contributions receiving more tickets and access to exclusive events, such as a dinner and fireworks display on June 7.

This low-key revival of contributions is strategic, says Aubrey Jewett, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida. “Disney wants to avoid being in headlines for political reasons,” he notes. Therefore, it’s not surprising they’re quietly resuming donations without a grand announcement.

The Democratic state Senator, whose Orlando district encompasses parts of Walt Disney World, confirmed the in-kind contributions but hinted that cash donations might be on the horizon, pending approval from Disney’s California headquarters.

What are your thoughts on Disney’s return to political contributions? Share your views in the comments and don’t forget to share this story with fellow Disney fans!

Source: Orlando Sentinel’s original reporting by Steven Lemongello. [Link to Original Article]