Ever wondered who keeps the magic alive at Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa? Behind every enchantment, there’s a dedicated cast member like Charles, ensuring everything runs smoothly. As the operations project manager for Disney Vacation Club (DVC) sales, Charles oversees maintenance, planning, and project management at the resort. His role even extends to implementing and maintaining the internal technology solutions that support DVC sales.

Charles brings a wealth of experience to the table, having served 31 years in the military before joining Disney. “What I learned in the military, I apply to my role at Aulani, but in a Disney way,” he shares. “The leadership training here is amazing—you learn the Disney culture with a lot of pixie dust.”

His Disney journey began 14 years ago as a driver for DVC. After three years, he advanced to operations manager, gradually working his way up to his current role. One of his most memorable projects? Reimagining the Disney Vacation Club preview center, Hoku Hideaway, an endeavor that has significantly attracted more guests eager to learn about DVC.

“The most rewarding part of my role is seeing projects successfully completed and receiving great comments on them,” Charles beams. He draws inspiration from the unique culture at Aulani, where the “aloha spirit” is palpable. “I love seeing everyone smiling and happy when we greet each other backstage and on stage.”

What sets Disney Vacation Club apart for Charles is the collaborative environment. “Working and collaborating with other lines of business at the resort is what makes me successful in my role,” he explains.

Feeling inspired by Charles’s story? Are you ready to start your own magical journey with Disney Vacation Club? Explore open roles and become part of the magic. Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below—let’s keep the conversation going!

[Explore Open Roles](http://disneycareers.com/dvc-jobs)

– [Original Story](https://sites.disney.com/lifeatdisney/building-a-lasting-career-with-disney-vacation-club/)