Disneyland Paris is taking a walk on the wild side in celebration of World Biodiversity Day! On May 22, our beloved park shone a spotlight on the wonders of nature by hosting inspiring workshops and activities aimed at schoolchildren and Cast Members alike, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment around us.

The stars of this environmental awareness day were the enthusiastic ULIS (Localized Unit for School Inclusion) pupils from the Nicolas Tronchon secondary school in Saint-Soupplets. These young explorers were treated to an immersive exploration of Disney Hotel Cheyenne’s biodiversity, engaging all their senses to connect with nature. Meanwhile, Cast Members joined enlightening guided tours, including a close-up look at a beehive and an invigorating nature walk.

But the magic doesn’t end there! Disneyland Paris is dedicated to nurturing biodiversity all year round. Our incredible Horticulture teams regularly lead “Nature Tours” throughout Disneyland Park, introducing Cast Members to the vibrant green life thriving in our magical world. And for guests looking to dive deeper, Disney Davy Crockett Ranch and Disney Hotel Cheyenne feature nature trails brimming with information on how we protect and celebrate local wildlife.

Ever wondered about the green thumb efforts behind the scenes? At Disneyland Paris, we’ve cultivated an impressive array of nature’s beauties: 330,000 shrubs and bushes, 7,400 square meters of flowerbeds, 33,000 trees, and over 20 varieties of fruit trees! Not to mention more than 50 species of wildflowers and plants, 40 domestic beehives aiding in pollination, and 400 nest boxes and shelters supporting our feathered and furry friends.

It’s not just about creating a picturesque park; it’s about making a real impact on biodiversity. What do you think about Disneyland Paris’s efforts to protect and celebrate the environment? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends to spread the magic and the message of conservation! For more enchanting details and up-to-date news, visit [Disneyland Paris News](https://disneylandparis-news.com).

So come, explore, and celebrate nature with Disneyland Paris – where every day is a celebration of the wonders of our natural world!