Young Irish Dancers to Shine at Disneyland Paris This September

It’s every child’s dream to step into the magical world of Disney, but for a talented group of young dancers from Kildare, that dream will come true this September. Students from the Morrissey School of Irish Dancing in Monasterevin will take the stage at Disneyland Paris, performing as ‘Disney performers’ for a day.

The group, consisting of 47 dancers aged between 6 and 16, have launched a fundraising campaign to cover the costs of this incredible opportunity. Speaking with Mickey News, dance teacher Mary Morrissey explained the significance of the event: “Paris is a city steeped in the arts, and Disneyland Paris is an iconic part of that cultural fabric. Our young dancers will have the chance to be part of that magic, showcasing months of hard work and dedication.”

The students will travel to Paris the night before their performance. Upon arrival at the park early the next morning, they will head straight to the auditorium to prep for their big moment. Under the expert guidance of dance teachers Michelle and Mary Morrissey, the routine has been intricately choreographed to captivate audiences.

Mary added, “This performance is a testament to the incredible talent and commitment of our dancers, supported by their families. It’s a memory they will cherish forever – truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

To make this dream a reality, the dancers are raising funds for their travel, accommodation, and costumes. Fans and supporters can contribute to their cause via a donation link provided by the school.

We invite you to share your thoughts and join the conversation about this heartwarming story in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family to spread the magic of these extraordinary young performers!